Sekulært (304 filmer)
2012 |
48 Angels |
7th Heaven - Sesong 1 |
7th Heaven - Sesong 2 |
7th Heaven - Sesong 3 |
A Gift of Miracles |
A Man Called Peter |
A Mighty Heart |
A Question of Faith |
A Serious Man |
A Song from the Heart |
Adams epler |
Afrikadronningen |
Agnus Dei |
Agora |
Amen |
American, The |
Andrej Rubljov |
Anne Frank: The Whole Story |
Anne Franks siste dager |
Apostate, The |
Arn - Riket ved veiens ende |
Arn - Tempelridderen |
Ascension |
Away - Sesong 1 |
Ayn Rand & the Prophecy of Atlas S… |
Ayn Rands lidenskap |
Babettes gjestebud |
Barabbas |
Behind the Mask |
Believer, The |
Ben Hur |
Black Book |
Black Snake Moan |
Bless The Child |
Body, The |
Book of Daniel, The |
Book of Eli, The |
Boondock Saints II, The: All Saint… |
Boondock Saints, The |
Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, The |
Brené Brown: The Call to Courage |
Brigham Young |
Bruce Almighty |
Bryllup på prøve |
Calling, The: Djevelens Sønn |
Challenge - The Great Debaters,The |
Charlie Wilson's War |
Childhood’s End |
Code Conspiracy, The |
Constantine |
Cracking the Da Vinci Code |
Creation |
Crime, The |
Crusade - A March Through Time |
Da Vinci Koden |
Damien: Omen 2 |
Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, The |
Dante 01 |
Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic |
David & Layla |
Day After Tomorrow, The |
Day of the Apocalypse |
De 3 Vise Menn |
De 7 dødssyndene |
De ti bud |
Dead Man Walking |
Dear God |
Death of an Angel |
Defiance |
Demetrius and the Gladiators |
Den Siste Tempelridder |
Den store barnedåpen |
Det syvende innseglet |
DeUsynlige |
Devil |
Devil's Arithmetic, The |
Devil's Bride |
Die Welle |
Dig |
Disco |
Dixie: Changing Habits |
Djevelens advokat |
Doubt |
Drageløperen |
Edges of the Lord |
El Cid |
Elmer Gantry |
En hushjelp til besvær |
En mann fremfor alt |
End of Days |
End of Days |
Engler & Demoner |
Et Liv etter Jesus |
Evan den allmektige |
Even the Rain |
Exodus |
Exorsisten |
Exorsisten II: Kjetteren |
False Prophets |
Fangene i Auschwitz |
Faust |
Fiery Priest - Sesong 1, The |
Fighting Temptations, The |
First Sunday |
Five People You Meet in Heaven, The |
For Better and for Worse |
For the Bible tells me so |
Fortellinger fra Dolly Partons San… |
Gabriel |
Gandhi |
God Friended Me - Sesong 1 |
God Is Great, I'm Not |
God Tussi Great Ho |
God's Army |
Good Omens - Sesong 1 |
Good Place - Sesong 1, The |
Good Place - Sesong 2, The |
Good Shepherd, The |
Gospel Hill |
Goyas Gjenferd |
Grey Zone, The |
Grønn var min barndoms dal |
Gud griper inn |
Han skapte en verden |
Hand of God - Sesong 1 |
Hans Nielsen Hauge |
Heksejakten |
Henry Poole Is Here |
Herren og Hans tjenere |
Higher Ground |
Hillbilly Elegy |
Historien om Pi |
Hjem til jul |
Holocaust |
Holy Camp! |
Holy Smoke |
Horsemen of the Apocalypse |
Hva gjør vi nå? |
Hva vet vi - Egentlig |
I Am David |
I am Michael |
I rosens navn |
Ildvognene |
Intet nytt fra himmelen |
Irena Sendler |
Island, The |
Jazzsangeren |
Jerusalem |
Jesu Første Fristelse |
Jesu Siste Fristelse |
Jesus & Josefine |
Jesus av Montreal |
Jesus' Son |
Jomfrukilden |
Joyful Noise |
Kamilla og tyven |
Kamilla og tyven - Del 2 |
Kannibaløya |
Kanonbåten San Pablo |
Kardec |
Karol: A man who became Pope |
Kautokeino-opprøret |
Keeping the Faith |
Khartoum |
Kingdom of Heaven |
Klokkene i St. Mary |
Kong David |
Korsfarerne |
Lars and the Real Girl |
Last Exorcism, The |
Legenden om El Cid |
Legion |
Life of Brian - Profeten Brians li… |
Little Traitor, The |
Lorenzos olje |
Lost Angel, The |
Lost Souls |
Love Exposure |
Machine Gun Preacher |
Making of '...And God Spoke', The |
Man From Earth, The |
Man Who Sued God, The |
Man Who Was Thursday, The |
Marco Polo |
Men jeg så ham dø |
Mennesker i solen |
Message, The |
Messenger: The Story of Joan of Ar… |
Messiah - Sesong 1 |
Midnight Mass |
Millions |
Miracle at St. Anna |
Mirakler til salgs |
Miraklet i Lourdes |
Missionary Man |
Mother Teresa: In the Name of God'… |
My Christmas Love |
My Name is Sarah |
My Summer of Love |
National Geographic: Da Vinci Code… |
National Geographic: Lost World of… |
National Geographic: The Quest for… |
Nattverdsgjestene |
Nazarin |
Noah |
Note II: Taking a Chance on Love, The |
O Brother, Where Art Thou? |
Offeret |
Oh Happy Day |
Oh, God! |
Om Guder og Mennesker |
Omen IV: The Awakening |
Omen, The |
Omen, The |
Ondskapens musikk |
Osama |
Our Fathers |
På gjensyn |
Paradise |
Passion of the Jew, The |
Pater Amaros Forbrytelse |
Pistolpredikanten |
Pope's Exorcist, The |
Preachers Wife, The |
Prey for the Devil |
Priest |
Priest |
Prima Veras Saga om Olav den Hellige |
Promised a Miracle |
Prophecy 2 - The Return of God's Army |
Proposition, The |
Psalm 21 |
Rapture, The |
Reaping, The |
Religions of the World 1 - Jødedommen |
Religions of the World 2 - Ortodok… |
Religions of the World 4 - Islam |
Religulous |
Resurrection |
Revelation |
Ringenes Herre: Atter en konge |
Ringenes Herre: Ringens Brorskap |
Ringenes Herre: To Tårn |
Rise of Jordan Peterson, The |
Rite, The |
Så som i himmelen |
Saint Ralph |
Salvation Boulevard |
Saras nøkkel |
Saved! |
Schindlers liste |
Screen Door Jesus |
Secrets of the Code |
Seven |
Seventh Sign, The |
Shadow of the Sword |
Shadowlands |
Silence |
Sin Eater, The |
Siste kapittel - Omen III |
Sister Act |
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit |
Sisters of War |
Sixty Six |
Skuddene i Knutby |
Slakteren fra Lyon |
Sofies Verden |
Solomon Kane |
Solstorm |
Sophie Scholls siste dager |
Sound of Music, The |
Søndagsengler |
Spellemann på taket |
Spotlight |
Statement, The |
Stigmata |
Svart Narcissus |
Takva - En manns frykt for Gud |
Tempelriddernes skatt |
Tempelriddernes skatt 2: Stormeste… |
Tempelriddernes skatt 3: Mysteriet… |
Ten, The |
Tender Mercies |
The Physician |
The Road |
There Will Be Blood |
Third Miracle, The |
Thirst |
To Verdener |
Tournament, The |
Trolljegeren |
Tyrannosaur |
Unbroken |
Unorthodox- Sesong 1 |
Vi er ingen engler |
Vi har en pave |
W. |
Walk The Line |
Warrior Nun - Sesong 1 |
Whatever Works |
When Do We Eat? |
X-Files, The: I Want to Believe |
Year One |