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Samvittighet (17 filmer)

Board, The cover

Board, The

2009 - Brett Varvel

Frontier Boys, The cover

Frontier Boys, The

2012 - John Grooters

Hjem til jul cover

Hjem til jul

2010 - Bent Hamer

I am cover

I am

2010 - John Ward

Kingdom of Heaven cover

Kingdom of Heaven

2005 - Ridley Scott

Luther cover


1973 - Guy Green

Luther cover


2003 - Eric Till

Martin Luther cover

Martin Luther

1953 - Irving Pichel

Midnight Mass

Midnight Mass

2021 - Mike Flanagan

Mirakler til salgs cover

Mirakler til salgs

1992 - Richard Pearce

Proposition, The cover

Proposition, The

1998 - Lesli Linka Glatter

Rapture, The cover

Rapture, The

1991 - Michael Tolkin

Sisters of War cover

Sisters of War

2010 - Brendan Maher

Sophie Scholls siste dager cover

Sophie Scholls siste dager

2005 - Marc Rothemund

Thirst cover


2009 - Chan-wook Park

To Verdener cover

To Verdener

2008 - Niels Arden Oplev

Wager, The cover

Wager, The

2007 - Judson Pearce Morgan
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