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Religion (31 filmer)

2012 cover


2009 - Roland Emmerich

Agora cover


2009 - Alejandro Amenábar

Asfaltevangeliet cover


2006 - David Åleskjær

Body, The cover

Body, The

2001 - Jonas McCord

Charlie Wilson's War cover

Charlie Wilson's War

2007 - Mike Nichols

Dante 01 cover

Dante 01

2008 - Marc Caro

David & Layla cover

David & Layla

2005 - J. Jonroy Avani

De 7 dødssyndene cover

De 7 dødssyndene

2007 - Oystein Karlsen

Det hellige land: Kristne i fare cover

Det hellige land: Kristne i fare

2002 - Pierre Rehov

Dogma cover


1999 - Kevin Smith

El Cid cover

El Cid

1961 - Anthony Mann

Engler & Demoner cover

Engler & Demoner

2009 - Ron Howard

Father, Son & Holy Moses

Father, Son & Holy Moses

2015 - William Middleton

From Jesus to Christ - The First Christians cover

From Jesus to Christ - The First C

1998 - William Cran

Genius Club, The cover

Genius Club, The

2006 - Timothy A. Chey

God Is Great, I'm Not cover

God Is Great, I'm Not

2001 - Pascale Bailly

Historien om Pi cover

Historien om Pi

2012 - Ang Lee

Hva gjør vi nå? cover

Hva gjør vi nå?

2011 - Nadine Labaki

Message, The cover

Message, The

1976 - Moustapha Akkad


Messiah - Sesong 1

2020 - James McTeigue, Kate Woods

Mother Teresa: In the Name of God's Poor cover

Mother Teresa: In the Name of God'

1997 - Kevin Connor

Perfect Gift, The cover

Perfect Gift, The

2009 - Jefferson Moore

Perfect Stranger, The cover

Perfect Stranger, The

2005 - Jefferson Moore, Shane Sooter

Purple State of Mind cover

Purple State of Mind

2008 - Craig Detweiler, John Marks

Religions of the World 1 - Jødedommen cover

Religions of the World 1 - Jødedommen

1998 - Gene Smith

Religions of the World 2 - Ortodoks og romersk katolsk kristendom cover

Religions of the World 2 - Ortodok

1998 - Gene Smith

Religions of the World 4 - Islam cover

Religions of the World 4 - Islam

1998 - Candace Corrigan, Joan Geiser

Religulous cover


2008 - Larry Charles

The Sound of the Spirit

Sound of the Spirit, The

2012 - Michael Robert Wolf

The Physician cover

The Physician

2013 - Philipp Stölzl

Whatever Works cover

Whatever Works

2009 - Woody Allen
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