Predikant (38 filmer)
An Uncommon Union |
Apostelen |
Bambus om vinteren |
Billy Graham: Guds Ambassadør |
Billy: The Early Years |
Carman: The Champion |
Come Sunday |
Cry from the Mountain |
Elmer Gantry |
End of Days |
False Prophets |
For the Bible tells me so |
Hell and Mr. Fudge |
Himmelen revner |
Jerusalem |
Kautokeino-opprøret |
Korset og Springkniven |
Last Exorcism, The |
Last Sin Eater, The |
Machine Gun Preacher |
Man of Faith |
Marjoe |
Messiah - Sesong 1 |
Mirakler til salgs |
Nothing to Lose |
Nothing to Lose 2 |
Pakten |
Pistolpredikanten |
Power Play |
Prodigal, The |
Restless Ones, The |
Rev, The |
There Will Be Blood |
Time Changer |
Ungdomspresten |
Upproret |
Wager, The |
Woodlawn |