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Krig (57 filmer)

A Cowgirl’s Story

A Cowgirl’s Story

2017 - Timothy Armstrong

Afrikadronningen cover


1951 - John Huston

Agnus Dei

Agnus Dei

2016 - Anne Fontaine

Alone Yet Not Alone

Alone Yet Not Alone

2013 - George D. Escobar, Ray Bengston

Amen cover


2002 - Costa-Gavras

An Interview with God

An Interview with God

2018 - Perry Lang

Anne Frank: The Whole Story

Anne Frank: The Whole Story

2001 - Robert Dornhelm

Anne Franks siste dager cover

Anne Franks siste dager

1988 - John Erman

Arn - Riket ved veiens ende cover

Arn - Riket ved veiens ende

2008 - Peter Flinth

Arn - Tempelridderen cover

Arn - Tempelridderen

2007 - Peter Flinth

Black Book cover

Black Book

2006 - Paul Verhoeven

Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace cover

Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace

2000 - Eric Till

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, The cover

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, The

2008 - Mark Herman

Charlie Wilson's War cover

Charlie Wilson's War

2007 - Mike Nichols

Defiance cover


2008 - Edward Zwick

Drømmen om Narnia 2 - Prins Caspian og Reisen til det Ytterste Hav

Drømmen om Narnia 2 - Prins Caspia

1989 - Alex Kirby

El Cid cover

El Cid

1961 - Anthony Mann

Five People You Meet in Heaven, The cover

Five People You Meet in Heaven, The

2004 - Lloyd Kramer

Flukten fra Sobibor cover

Flukten fra Sobibor

1987 - Jack Gold

God Bless the Broken Road

God Bless the Broken Road

2018 - Harold Cronk

Goyas Gjenferd cover

Goyas Gjenferd

2006 - Milos Forman

Grey Zone, The cover

Grey Zone, The

2001 - Tim Blake Nelson

Gud griper inn cover

Gud griper inn

2002 - Elia Suleiman

Hacksaw Ridge

Hacksaw Ridge

2016 - Mel Gibson

Historier fra Bibelen - David og Goliat cover

Historier fra Bibelen - David og G

1986 - Ray Patterson

Holocaust cover


1978 - Marvin J. Chomsky

Irena Sendler cover

Irena Sendler

2009 - John Kent Harrison

Joan of Arc cover

Joan of Arc

1999 - Christian Duguay

Kanonbåten San Pablo cover

Kanonbåten San Pablo

1966 - Robert Wise

Karol: A man who became Pope cover

Karol: A man who became Pope

2005 - Giacomo Battiato

Khartoum cover


1966 - Basil Dearden, Eliot Elisofon

Kingdom of Heaven cover

Kingdom of Heaven

2005 - Ridley Scott

Korsfarerne cover


2001 - Dominique Othenin-Girard

Legenden om El Cid cover

Legenden om El Cid

2003 - Jose Pozo

Little Boy

Little Boy

2015 - Alejandro Gomez Monteverde

Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 cover

Megiddo: The Omega Code 2

2001 - Brian Trenchard-Smith, Paul J. Lombardi

Message, The cover

Message, The

1976 - Moustapha Akkad

Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc, The cover

Messenger: The Story of Joan of Ar

1999 - Luc Besson

Miracle at St. Anna cover

Miracle at St. Anna

2008 - Spike Lee

Osama cover


2003 - Siddiq Barmak

På gjensyn cover

På gjensyn

1987 - Louis Malle

Pendragon: Sword of His Father cover

Pendragon: Sword of His Father

2008 - Chad Burns

Saints and Soldiers cover

Saints and Soldiers

2003 - Ryan Little

Samson and Gideon cover

Samson and Gideon

1965 - Francisco Pérez-Dolz, Marcello Baldi

Saras nøkkel cover

Saras nøkkel

2010 - Gilles Paquet-Brenner

Scars That Heal cover

Scars That Heal

1993 - Rocky Lane

Schindlers liste cover

Schindlers liste

1993 - Steven Spielberg

Shooting Dogs cover

Shooting Dogs

2005 - Michael Caton-Jones

Sisters of War cover

Sisters of War

2010 - Brendan Maher

Skjulestedet cover


1975 - James F. Collier

Solomon and Sheba cover

Solomon and Sheba

1959 - King Vidor

Story of David, The cover

Story of David, The

1976 - Alex Segal, David Lowell Rich

To End All Wars cover

To End All Wars

2001 - David L. Cunningham

Tortured for Christ

Tortured for Christ

2018 - John Grooters



2014 - Angelina Jolie

W. cover


2008 - Oliver Stone

The Way of Peace

Way of Peace, The

1947 - Frank Tashlin
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