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Det Nye Testamentet (71 filmer)

40 Nights

40 Nights

2016 - Jesse Low

A.D. The Bible Continues

A.D. The Bible Continues

2015 - Brian Kelly, Ciaran Donnelly, Paul Wilm

Anno Domini cover

Anno Domini

1985 - Stuart Cooper

Apostle Peter and the Last Supper cover

Apostle Peter and the Last Supper

2012 - Gabriel Sabloff

Bibelen: Jesus cover

Bibelen: Jesus

1999 - Roger Young

Bibelen: Paulus cover

Bibelen: Paulus

2000 - Roger Young

Bible, The: The Epic Miniseries cover

Bible, The: The Epic Miniseries

2013 - Christopher Spencer, Crispin Reece, Ton

Charlton Heston Presents the Bible - Volum 3: Jesus fra Nasaret cover

Charlton Heston Presents the Bible

1992 - Tony Westman

Charlton Heston Presents the Bible - Volum 4: Lidelseshistorien cover

Charlton Heston Presents the Bible

1992 - Tony Westman

Chasing the Star

Chasing the Star

2017 - Bret Miller

The Chosen

Chosen, The - Sesong 1

2018 - Dallas Jenkins

The Chosen - Sesong 2

Chosen, The - Sesong 2

2021 - Dallas Jenkins

Christmas with the Chosen: The Messengers

Christmas with the Chosen: The Mes

2021 - Dallas Jenkins, Jacob Schwarz

Close to Jesus: Joseph of Nazareth cover

Close to Jesus: Joseph of Nazareth

2000 - Raffaele Mertes

Close to Jesus: Judas cover

Close to Jesus: Judas

2001 - Raffaele Mertes

Close to Jesus: Mary Magdalene cover

Close to Jesus: Mary Magdalene

2000 - Raffaele Mertes

Close to Jesus: Thomas cover

Close to Jesus: Thomas

2001 - Raffaele Mertes

The Commissioning

Commissioning, The

2019 - Ryan Chapel

Covenant, The - Historien om Israels folk cover

Covenant, The - Historien om Israe

2008 - Elizabeth Muren, Robert Muren

Da Vinci-kodens bedrag cover

Da Vinci-kodens bedrag

2005 - David Priest

Damascus cover


2010 - Khaled el Khaled

De største mirakler: Den gode Samaritan cover

De største mirakler: Den gode Sama

1989 - Richard Rich

De største mirakler: Kongen blir født cover

De største mirakler: Kongen blir født

1987 - Richard Rich

De største mirakler: Kongen og skylderen cover

De største mirakler: Kongen og sky

1991 - Richard Rich

De største mirakler: Saul av Tarsus cover

De største mirakler: Saul av Tarsus

1990 - Richard Rich

The First Noël

First Noël, The

1961 - Ralph Hulett

From Jesus to Christ - The First Christians cover

From Jesus to Christ - The First C

1998 - William Cran

From the Manger to the Cross cover

From the Manger to the Cross

1912 - Sidney Olcott

Glade jul: Fortellingen om den aller forste julaften cover

Glade jul: Fortellingen om den all

2000 - Richard Slapczynski

The Gospel of John

Gospel of John, The

2014 - David Batty

Greatest Story Ever Told, The cover

Greatest Story Ever Told, The

1965 - George Stevens

Historien om Jesus for barn

Historien om Jesus for barn

2000 - John Schmidt

Historier fra Bibelen - Da Jesus ble født cover

Historier fra Bibelen - Da Jesus b

1987 - Don Lusk, Ray Patterson

Historier fra Bibelen - Jesu mirakler cover

Historier fra Bibelen - Jesu mirakler

1991 - Don Lusk, Ray Patterson

Historier fra Bibelen - Påskehistorien cover

Historier fra Bibelen - Påskehisto

1990 - Don Lusk, Ray Patterson

I Miraklenes Tid cover

I Miraklenes Tid

2000 - Derek W. Hayes, Stanislav Sokolov

I skyggen av korset cover

I skyggen av korset

1981 - Robert Day

Jesu Siste Fristelse cover

Jesu Siste Fristelse

1988 - Martin Scorsese

Jesus cover


1979 - John Krish, Peter Sykes

Jesus Christ Superstar cover

Jesus Christ Superstar

1973 - Norman Jewison

Jesus Christ Superstar (sceneversjon) cover

Jesus Christ Superstar (sceneversjon)

2000 - Gale Edwards, Nick Morris

Jesus of Nazareth cover

Jesus of Nazareth

1977 - Franco Zeffirelli

Johannesevangeliet cover


2003 - Philip Saville

Journey to Bethlehem

Journey to Bethlehem

2023 - Adam Anders

Judas cover


2004 - Charles Robert Carner

Judas Project, The cover

Judas Project, The

1990 - James H. Barden

King of Kings cover

King of Kings

1961 - Nicholas Ray

King of Kings, The cover

King of Kings, The

1927 - Cecil B. DeMille

Krossfestinga som endra verda

Krossfestinga som endra verda

2018 - Gerry Hoban

La vie et la passion de Jésus-Christ

La vie et la Passion de Jésus-Christ

1898 - Georges Hatot, Louis Lumière

Levende Bibel: Apostlenes gjerninger cover

Levende Bibel: Apostlenes gjerninger

1994 - Regardt van den Bergh

Levende Bibel: Matteusevangeliet cover

Levende Bibel: Matteusevangeliet

1993 - Regardt van den Bergh

Life and Passion of Jesus Christ, The cover

Life and Passion of Jesus Christ, The

1905 - Ferdinand Zecca, Lucien Nonguet

Magdalena: Released from shame cover

Magdalena: Released from shame

2008 - Charlie Jordan



2024 - D.J. Caruso

Maria Magdalena

Maria Magdalena

2018 - Garth Davis

Mary of Nazareth

Mary of Nazareth

2012 - Giacomo Campiotti

Mary, Mother of Jesus cover

Mary, Mother of Jesus

1999 - Kevin Connor

Matteusevangeliet cover


1964 - Pier Paolo Pasolini

Passion, The cover

Passion, The

2008 - Michael Offer

Paul: The Emissary cover

Paul: The Emissary

1997 - Robert Marcarelli

Religions of the World 2 - Ortodoks og romersk katolsk kristendom cover

Religions of the World 2 - Ortodok

1998 - Gene Smith



2016 - Kevin Reynolds

Road to Emmaus

Road to Emmaus

2010 - Steve Boettcher

Son of Man cover

Son of Man

2006 - Mark Dornford-May

St. John in Exile cover

St. John in Exile

1986 - Dan Curtis, Lory Basham Jones

St. Peter cover

St. Peter

2005 - Giulio Base

The Star of Bethlehem

Star of Bethlehem, The

1956 - Jan Sadlo, Lotte Reiniger, Vivian Milroy



2017 - Timothy Reckart

Three Wise Boys

Three Wise Boys

1963 - Eddie Dew

Veien til Betlehem cover

Veien til Betlehem

2006 - Catherine Hardwicke
0.23 sekunder