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1500 Steps (2014)
180 (2011)
2012 (2009)
2012: Doomsday (2008)
2025 - The World enslaved by a Virus (2021)
3 Day Test (2012)
3D Musicalen (1997)
40 Nights (2016)
48 Angels (2006)
7th Heaven - Sesong 1 (1996)
7th Heaven - Sesong 2 (1997)
7th Heaven - Sesong 3 (1999)
90 Minutes in Heaven (2015)
A Cowgirl’s Story (2017)
A Distant Thunder (2005)
A Distant Thunder (1978)
A Gift of Miracles (2015)
A Greater Yes (2009)
A Horse Called Bear (2015)
A Letter for Joe (2013)
A Letter to Dad (2009)
A Long Way Home (1986)
A Man Called Peter (1955)
A Matter of Faith (2014)
A Mighty Heart (2007)
A Path in Time (2005)
A Question of Faith (2000)
A Serious Man (2009)
A Shepherd of Pure Heart (2005)
A Song from the Heart (1999)
A Thief in the Night (1972)
A Time For Miracles (1980)
A Walk to Remember (2002)
A Week Away (2021)
A.D. The Bible Continues (2015)
Abel's Field (2012)
Abigail Mysteries, The (2023)
Abraham: The Friend of God (2008)
Adams epler (2005)
Adventures of Mickey Matson and the Copp
Afrikadronningen (1951)
Against All Hope (1982)
Agent Abbey (2004)
Agnes of God (1985)
Agnus Dei (2016)
Agora (2009)
Ali's Wedding (2017)
Alone Yet Not Alone (2013)
Amazing Grace (2006)
Amen (2002)
American, The (2010)
Amish Grace (2010)
An Interview with God (2018)
An Uncommon Union (2004)
Andrej Rubljov (1966)
Angel Doll, The (2002)
Angelas Jul (2017)
Angelas juleønske (2020)
Angels in the Snow (2015)
Anne Frank: The Whole Story (2001)
Anne Franks siste dager (1988)
Anno Domini (1985)
Another Perfect Stranger (2007)
Any Day (2015)
Apocalypse (1998)
Apocalypse, The (2007)
Apostate, The (2015)
Apostelen (1997)
Apostle Peter and the Last Supper (2012)
Appalachian Trial (2005)
Appointment, The (1991)
Ark, The (2015)
Arn - Riket ved veiens ende (2008)
Arn - Tempelridderen (2007)
Arranged (2007)
Ascension (2002)
Asfaltevangeliet (2006)
Ave Maryam (2019)
Away - Sesong 1 (2020)
Ayn Rand & the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged (2011)
Ayn Rands lidenskap (1999)
Azusa Street Vekkelsen (2006)
Babettes gjestebud (1987)
Backroads and Lilies (2013)
Bakenfor solen (1995)
Bambus om vinteren (1991)
Barabbas (1961)
Bartholomew's Gift (2004)
Beautiful One (2023)
Because of Winn-Dixie (2005)
Begynnelsen (2000)
Behind the Glass Door (1998)
Behind the Mask (1999)
Believer, The (2001)
Bella (2006)
Belle and the Beast: A Christian Romance (2007)
Bells of Innocence (2003)
Ben Hur (1959)
Ben Hur (2010)
Between the Walls (2006)
Beyond the Mask (2015)
Bibelen: Abraham (1994)
Bibelen: David (1997)
Bibelen: Ester (1998)
Bibelen: Genesis (1994)
Bibelen: Jakob (1994)
Bibelen: Jeremia (1998)
Bibelen: Jesus (1999)
Bibelen: Johannes Ã…penbaring (2002)
Bibelen: Josef (1995)
Bibelen: Moses (1995)
Bibelen: Paulus (2000)
Bibelen: Salomon (1997)
Bibelen: Samson og Delilah (1996)
Bible, The: In the Beginning... (1966)
Bible, The: The Epic Miniseries (2013)
Billy Graham: Guds Ambassadør (2006)
Billy: The Early Years (2008)
Birdie & Bogey (2004)
Black Book (2006)
Black Snake Moan (2006)
Bless The Child (2000)
Bless You, Prison (2002)
Blind Side, The (2009)
Blue Like Jazz (2012)
Blue Miracle (2021)
Board, The (2009)
Body, The (2001)
Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace (2000)
Book of Daniel, The (2006)
Book of Eli, The (2010)
Book of Ruth, The: Journey of Faith (2009)
Boondock Saints II, The: All Saints Day (2009)
Boondock Saints, The (1999)
Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, The (2008)
Break Away (2012)
Breakthrough (2019)
Brené Brown: The Call to Courage (2019)
Bridge, The (1978)
Brigham Young (1940)
Bringing Up Bobby (2009)
Brother Sun, Sister Moon (1972)
Brother White (2012)
Brothers Karamazov, The (1958)
Bruce Almighty (2003)
Bryllup på prøve (2007)
C Me Dance (2009)
Calling, The: Djevelens Sønn (2000)
Carman: The Champion (2001)
Case for Christ, The (2017)
Caught (1987)
Challenge - The Great Debaters,The (2007)
Charge Over You (2010)
Charlie Wilson's War (2007)
Charlton Heston Presents the Bible - Vol
Charlton Heston Presents the Bible - Vol
Charlton Heston Presents the Bible - Vol
Charlton Heston Presents the Bible - Vol
Chasing the Star (2017)
Checkmate (2010)
Childhood’s End (2015)
China Cry: A True Story (1990)
Chosen, The - Sesong 1 (2018)
Chosen, The - Sesong 2 (2021)
Christian Dating: The Movie (1998)
Christian Mingle (2014)
Christmas Blessing, The (2005)
Christmas Candle, The (2013)
Christmas Child (2004)
Christmas Comes Home to Canaan (2011)
Christmas Dress (2016)
Christmas for a Dollar (2013)
Christmas Grace (2013)
Christmas Lodge (2011)
Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey, The (2007)
Christmas on the Range (2019)
Christmas Oranges (2012)
Christmas Shoes, The (2002)
Christmas Wander (2017)
Christmas with a Capital C (2010)
Christmas with the Chosen: The Messengers (2021)
Clancy (2009)
Clare and Francis (2007)
Click Clack Jack (2009)
Close to Jesus: Joseph of Nazareth (2000)
Close to Jesus: Judas (2001)
Close to Jesus: Mary Magdalene (2000)
Close to Jesus: Thomas (2001)
Code Conspiracy, The (2002)
Coffee Shop (2014)
Collapse of The Soviet Union, The (2006)
Come Sunday (2018)
Come What May (2009)
Commissioning, The (2019)
Confessions of a Prodigal Son (2015)
Constantine (2005)
Courageous (2011)
Covenant, The - Historien om Israels folk (2008)
Cracking the Da Vinci Code (2004)
Creation (2009)
Crime of the age (1988)
Crime, The (2007)
Crossing Ways (2005)
Crossing, The (1994)
Crusade - A March Through Time (2007)
Cry from the Mountain (1985)
Current, The (2014)
Cutback (2010)
Da Vinci Koden (2006)
Da Vinci-kodens bedrag (2005)
Daisy (2016)
Damascus (2010)
Damien: Omen 2 (1978)
Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, The (2002)
Dante 01 (2008)
Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic (2010)
Dating Project, The (2018)
David & Goliath (1960)
David & Layla (2005)
David and Bathsheba (1951)
Day After Tomorrow, The (2004)
Day of the Apocalypse (2010)
Daylight Zone, The (1986)
De 10 Bud (2006)
De 3 Vise Menn (2003)
De 7 dødssyndene (2007)
De fordømtes reise (1976)
De største mirakler: Den gode Samaritan (1989)
De største mirakler: Kongen blir født (1987)
De største mirakler: Kongen og skylderen (1991)
De største mirakler: Saul av Tarsus (1990)
De ti bud (1956)
Dead Man Walking (1995)
Deadly Choice (1982)
Dear God (1996)
Dear John (2004)
Death of an Angel (1986)
Deceived (2001)
Defense of New Haven, The (2016)
Defiance (2008)
Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954)
Den Fjärde Kungen (2005)
Den lille gjetergutten (2002)
Den Siste Tempelridder (2009)
Den store barnedåpen (1931)
Det hellige land: Kristne i fare (2002)
Det store rittet (1997)
Det syvende innseglet (1957)
Detektivene i Last Chance: Flukten fra I
DeUsynlige (2008)
Devil (2010)
Devil's Arithmetic, The (1999)
Devil's Bride (2016)
Dialtone (2009)
Diary of a Mad Black Woman (2005)
Die Welle (2008)
Dig (2015)
Disco (2019)
Disconnect. Reconnect. (2013)
Divination (2011)
Dixie: Changing Habits (1983)
Djevelens advokat (1997)
Do You Believe? (2015)
Dogma (1999)
Dogs Can Talk (2018)
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist (2005)
Doubt (2008)
Drageløperen (2007)
Drømmen om Narnia 1 - Løven, Heksa og Kl
Drømmen om Narnia 2 - Prins Caspian og R
Drømmen om Narnia 3 - Sølvstolen (1990)
Echoes of Innocence (2005)
Edges of the Lord (2001)
El Cid (1961)
Elmer Gantry (1960)
En Gave for Livet (2006)
En grunn til å synge (2000)
En hushjelp til besvær (2005)
En mann fremfor alt (1966)
Encounter, The (2010)
End of Days (1999)
End of Days (2005)
End of the Harvest (1995)
End of the Spear (2005)
End of the Trail (2019)
Engler & Demoner (2009)
Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story (1996)
Escape From Hell (2000)
Escolhas (2017)
Esther - Queen of Persia (2006)
Esther and the King (1960)
Et Liv etter Jesus (2024)
Evan den allmektige (2007)
Even the Rain (2010)
Evolution vs. God (2013)
Exodus (2007)
Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)
Exorcism of Emily Rose, The (2005)
Exorcist: The Beginning (2004)
Exorsisten (1973)
Exorsisten II: Kjetteren (1977)
Exorsisten III (1990)
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (2008)
Extreme Days (2001)
Eye of the storm (1992)
Facing the Giants (2006)
Faith Like Potatoes (2006)
Faith, Hope & Love (2019)
False Prophets (2006)
Falskmynterne i Sachsenhausen (2007)
Fangene i Auschwitz (2008)
Fanget i kryssilden (1997)
Father Brown - Sesong 1 (2013)
Father Brown - Sesong 2 (2014)
Father Stu (2022)
Father, Son & Holy Moses (2015)
Faust (2011)
Fenced Off (2011)
Fiery Priest - Sesong 1, The (2019)
Fighting Temptations, The (2003)
Final Solution (2001)
Find Me (2009)
Finding Love in Quarantine (2020)
Fireproof (2008)
First Noël, The (1961)
First Stone, The (1993)
First Sunday (2008)
Five People You Meet in Heaven, The (2004)
Flukten fra Sobibor (1987)
Flywheel (2003)
Fool, The (2018)
For Better and for Worse (1993)
For Such A Time (2008)
For the Bible tells me so (2007)
Forever Strong (2008)
Forgotten Martyr: Lady Jane Gray, The (2011)
Fortellinger fra Dolly Partons Sangbok (2019)
Fourth Wise Man, The (1985)
Fra en frosk til et menneske (2002)
Francesco (1989)
Francis of Assisi (1961)
Freedom of Silence, The (2011)
Freshman Year (2019)
Fride på skipet (2010)
From Jesus to Christ - The First Christians (1998)
From the Manger to the Cross (1912)
Frontier Boys, The (2012)
Fury to Freedom (1985)
Gabriel (2007)
Gandhi (1982)
Genesis Code, The (2010)
Genius Club, The (2006)
George W. Bush: En troende i Det hvite hus (2004)
Geronimo (1990)
Gifted Hands (2009)
Glade jul: Fortellingen om den aller for
God Bless the Broken Road (2018)
God Friended Me - Sesong 1 (2018)
God Help Me (2006)
God Is Great, I'm Not (2001)
God Tussi Great Ho (2008)
God's Army (1995)
God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness (2018)
God's Outlaw (1986)
Godsend (2021)
Gold Through The Fire (1987)
Gone (2002)
Gone (2016)
Good Book, The (2014)
Good Omens - Sesong 1 (2019)
Good Place - Sesong 1, The (2016)
Good Place - Sesong 2, The (2017)
Good Shepherd, The (2004)
Good Test, The (2003)
Gospa (1995)
Gospel Blimp, The (1967)
Gospel Hill (2008)
Gospel Music of Johnny Cash, The (2007)
Gospel of John, The (2014)
Gospel Road, The (1973)
Gospel, The (2005)
Goyas Gjenferd (2006)
Grace Card, The (2010)
Grace of God (2014)
Grace Unplugged (2013)
Greatest Story Ever Told, The (1965)
Grey Zone, The (2001)
Grønn var min barndoms dal (1941)
Gud er ikke død (2014)
Gud er ikke død 2 (2016)
Gud griper inn (2002)
Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Han skapte en verden (1965)
Hand of God - Sesong 1 (2014)
Hangman's Curse (2003)
Hans Nielsen Hauge (1961)
Hardflip (2012)
Harlem Grace (1995)
He Knows My Name (2015)
Heart of the Country (2013)
Heaven is Waiting (2011)
Heaven's Door (2013)
Heksejakten (1996)
Hell and Mr. Fudge (2012)
Hell House (2001)
Helten i Central Park (2004)
Henry Poole Is Here (2008)
Hero: The Rock Opera (2004)
Herren og Hans tjenere (1959)
Hidden Places (2006)
Hidden Secrets (2006)
High Priestess - Pope Joan, The (2009)
Higher Ground (2011)
Hillbilly Elegy (2020)
Himmelen er på or'ntli (2014)
Himmelen revner (2004)
Himmelske Samtaler (2006)
Historien om Jesus for barn (2000)
Historien om Marie (2014)
Historien om Pi (2012)
Historier fra Bibelen - Da Jesus ble født (1987)
Historier fra Bibelen - David og Goliat (1986)
Historier fra Bibelen - Dronning Ester (1992)
Historier fra Bibelen - Jesu mirakler (1991)
Historier fra Bibelen - Josef og brødren
Historier fra Bibelen - Josva og slaget
Historier fra Bibelen - Moses (1986)
Historier fra Bibelen - Noas Ark (1986)
Historier fra Bibelen - PÃ¥skehistorien (1990)
Historier fra Bibelen - Skapelsen (1988)
Hjem til jul (2010)
Hollywood's War on God (2006)
Holocaust (1978)
Holy Camp! (2017)
Holy Smoke (1999)
Home Beyond the Sun (2004)
Home Run (2013)
Homecoming, The (1996)
Homeless for the Holidays (2009)
Hope for Christmas (2018)
Horsemen of the Apocalypse (2009)
House (2008)
Hva gjør vi nå? (2011)
Hva står i Bibelen? - I begynnelsen (2010)
Hva vet vi - Egentlig (2004)
I am (2010)
I Am David (2003)
I am Michael (2015)
I am... Gabriel (2012)
I Can Only Imagine (2018)
I et speil i en gåte (2008)
I gode og onde dager (1999)
I Miraklenes Tid (2000)
I rosens navn (1986)
I skyggen av korset (1981)
I Still Believe (2020)
I Survived I Kissed Dating Goodbye (2018)
I'm in Love with a Church Girl (2013)
Ildvognene (1981)
Image of the Beast (1980)
Imposter, The (2008)
In the Arms of Angels (2003)
In the Blink of an Eye (2009)
In the Footsteps of St Patrick: Celebrat
In the Name of God (2013)
Inquiry, The (2006)
Intet nytt fra himmelen (2001)
Irena Sendler (2009)
Island of Grace (2009)
Island, The (2006)
Jacob, the Man Who Fought with God (1963)
Jakten på det bortkomne smykket (2004)
Jazzsangeren (1927)
Jerusalem (1996)
Jesu Første Fristelse (2019)
Jesu Siste Fristelse (1988)
Jesus (1979)
Jesus & Josefine (2003)
Jesus av Montreal (1989)
Jesus Camp (2006)
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)
Jesus Christ Superstar (sceneversjon) (2000)
Jesus of Nazareth (1977)
Jesus Revolution (2023)
Jesus, Mary and Joey (2006)
Jesus' Son (1999)
Jewish Cardinal, The (2013)
Joan of Arc (1999)
Johannesevangeliet (2003)
John Hus (1977)
Jomfrukilden (1960)
Joni (1980)
Josef - Drømmenes konge (2000)
Joseph's Gift (1998)
Joshua (2002)
Journey to Bethlehem (2023)
Joyful Noise (2012)
Juana Inés (2016)
Judas (2004)
Judas Project, The (1990)
Judgment (2001)
Julemysteriet i Lilleby (2007)
Jumping the Broom (2011)
Kamilla og tyven (1988)
Kamilla og tyven - Del 2 (1989)
Kannibaløya (1983)
Kanonbåten San Pablo (1966)
Kardec (2019)
Karen Kingsbury's Maggie's Christmas Mir
Karol: A man who became Pope (2005)
Kautokeino-opprøret (2008)
Keeping the Faith (2000)
Keys of the Kingdom, The (1944)
Khartoum (1966)
King of Kings (1961)
King of Kings, The (1927)
King's Faith (2013)
Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
Klatreturen (2002)
Klokkene i St. Mary (1945)
Kong David (1985)
Korset og Springkniven (1970)
Korsfarerne (2001)
Korsveien (2014)
Krossfestinga som endra verda (2018)
La vie et la Passion de Jésus-Christ (1898)
Lars and the Real Girl (2007)
Last Exorcism, The (2010)
Last Flight Out (2004)
Last Sin Eater, The (2007)
Late One Night (2001)
Lay It Down (2001)
Least of these: A Christmas Story, The (2018)
Left Behind (2000)
Left Behind (2014)
Left Behind 2: Tribulation Force (2002)
Left Behind: World At War (2005)
Legenden om El Cid (2003)
Legenden om Narnia - Løven, Heksa og Kle
Legenden om Narnia - Prins Caspian (2008)
Legenden om Narnia - Reisen til det ytte
Legends of Ireland: St. Patrick (1997)
Legion (2010)
Leon Morin, Priest (1961)
Let God (2013)
Letters to Father Jacob (2009)
Letters to God (2010)
Levende Bibel: Apostlenes gjerninger (1994)
Levende Bibel: Matteusevangeliet (1993)
Life and Passion of Jesus Christ, The (1905)
Life of Brian - Profeten Brians liv og h
Like Arrows (2018)
Lintu ja kala (2005)
List, The (2007)
Little Boy (2015)
Little Traitor, The (2007)
London River (2009)
Long Ride Home, The (2003)
Lord Help Us (2007)
Lord, Save Us from Your Followers (2008)
Lorenzos olje (1992)
Lost & Found Family, The (2009)
Lost Angel, The (2004)
Lost Souls (2000)
Love Begins (2011)
Love Comes Softly (2003)
Love Covers All (2014)
Love Exposure (2008)
Love Finds A Home (2009)
Love Note (1987)
Love Takes Wing (2009)
Love, Lights, Hanukkah! (2020)
Love's Abiding Joy (2006)
Love's Christmas Journey (2011)
Love's Enduring Promise (2004)
Love's Everlasting Courage (2011)
Love's Long Journey (2005)
Love's Unending Legacy (2007)
Love's Unfolding Dream (2007)
Loving Leah (2009)
Løven, Heksa og Klesskapet (1979)
Lucy Shimmers and the Prince of Peace (2020)
Luther (1973)
Luther (2003)
Machine Gun Preacher (2011)
Magdalena: Released from shame (2008)
Making of '...And God Spoke', The (1993)
Man Dancin' (2003)
Man From Earth, The (2007)
Man of Faith (2002)
Man Who Sued God, The (2001)
Man Who Was Thursday, The (2016)
Marco Polo (2007)
Maria (2024)
Maria Magdalena (2018)
Marjoe (1972)
Mark, The (2012)
Marriage Retreat (2011)
Marrying Father Christmas (2018)
Martin Luther (1953)
Mary and Joe (2002)
Mary of Nazareth (2012)
Mary, Mother of Jesus (1999)
Masked Saint, The (2016)
Matteusevangeliet (1964)
Mayflower II (2020)
Me & You, Us, Forever (2008)
Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 (2001)
Men jeg så ham dø (1953)
Mennesker i solen (2011)
Mercy Rule (2014)
Mercy Streets (2000)
Message, The (1976)
Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc, The (1999)
Messiah - Sesong 1 (2020)
Michael: Et oppgjør med fortiden (2017)
Midnight Clear (2006)
Midnight Clear (kort versjon) (2005)
Midnight Mass (2021)
Mill and The Cross, The (2011)
Millions (2004)
Miracle at St. Anna (2008)
Miracle Maker (2015)
Miracle of the Cards, The (2001)
Miracle of the Widow (2009)
Miracles from Heaven (2016)
Mirakler til salgs (1992)
Miraklet i Lourdes (2009)
Missing (1992)
Mission, The (1986)
Missionary Man (2007)
Molokai: The Story of Father Damien (1999)
Mom's Night Out (2014)
Moment After 2, The (2006)
Moment After, The (1999)
More Than A Champion (1980)
Morgenen skal komme (1993)
Moses - Nilens prins (1999)
Moses The Lawgiver (1974)
Most (2003)
Mother Teresa (2003)
Mother Teresa: In the Name of God's Poor (1997)
Motti Wolkenbruchs oppvåkning (2018)
My Broken Horse Christmas (2017)
My Christmas Love (2016)
My father, My Lord (2007)
My Last Day (2011)
My Name is Sarah (2007)
My Refuge (2013)
My Summer of Love (2004)
NÃ¥r Hjertet Kaller - Sesong 1 (2014)
NÃ¥r Hjertet Kaller - Sesong 2 (2015)
NÃ¥r Hjertet Kaller - Sesong 3 (2016)
NÃ¥r Hjertet Kaller - Sesong 4 (2017)
NÃ¥r Hjertet Kaller - Sesong 5 (2018)
NÃ¥r Hjertet Kaller - Sesong 6 (2019)
NÃ¥r Hjertet Kaller - Sesong 7 (2020)
NÃ¥r Hjertet Kaller - Sesong 8 (2021)
NÃ¥r hjertet kaller - Sesong 9 (2022)
National Geographic: Da Vinci Code Revealed (2006)
National Geographic: Lost World of the H
National Geographic: The Quest for Noah'
Nattverdsgjestene (1963)
Nazarin (1959)
Never Ashamed (1984)
New Hope (2012)
New World Order (2011)
Nikolai (1986)
No Escape From Christmas (1982)
No Greater Love (2009)
No Ordinary Shepherd (2014)
Noah (2014)
Noas ark (1999)
Noëlle (2007)
Nonnens historie (1959)
Not Easily Broken (2009)
Note II: Taking a Chance on Love, The (2009)
Note, The (2007)
Nothing to Lose (2018)
Nothing to Lose 2 (2019)
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
October Baby (2012)
Offeret (1986)
Oh Happy Day (2004)
Oh, God! (1977)
Old Fashioned (2014)
Om Guder og Mennesker (2010)
Omega Code, The (1999)
Omen IV: The Awakening (1991)
Omen, The (2006)
Omen, The (1976)
On The Edge (2009)
Once We Were Slaves (2014)
Ondskapens musikk (1995)
One Lamb, The (2009)
One Who Was There (1979)
Only Once (1998)
Open When Johnny Can Read (2010)
Oppreist fra de døde (2002)
Ordet (1955)
Orphaned Courage (2017)
Osama (2003)
Other Side of Heaven, The (2001)
Our Fathers (2005)
Overcome (2007)
Overcomer (2019)
Oversold (2008)
Østens brud (2004)
PÃ¥ gjensyn (1987)
Pakten (2006)
Pamela's Prayer (1998)
Paper Dream (2012)
Paradise (2013)
Passion of Joshua the Jew, The (2005)
Passion of the Christ, The (2004)
Passion of the Jew, The (2004)
Passion, The (2008)
Pater Amaros Forbrytelse (2002)
Patrick (2011)
Patrick (2004)
Patterns of Evidence: Exodus (2014)
Paul, Apostle of Christ (2018)
Paul: The Emissary (1997)
Pawn's Move (2011)
Pendragon: Sword of His Father (2008)
People of the Heavenly Kingdom, The (2019)
Perfect Gift, The (2009)
Perfect Stranger, The (2005)
Pilgrim's Progress (1979)
Pilgrim's Progress (2018)
Pilgrim's Progress, The (2017)
Pirate's Code: The Adventures of Mickey
Pistolpredikanten (1972)
Pivot Point (2011)
Pollyanna (2003)
Polycarp (2015)
Pope's Exorcist, The (2023)
Portrait of a Santa (1961)
Potential Inside, The (2010)
Power Play (1994)
Pray 2: The Woods (2008)
Pray. (2007)
Preachers Wife, The (1996)
Pretender, The (1987)
Prey for the Devil (2022)
Priest (1994)
Priest (2011)
Prima Veras Saga om Olav den Hellige (1983)
Princess Cut (2015)
Prinsen av Egypt (1998)
Prodigal Planet, The (1983)
Prodigal, The (1983)
Promised a Miracle (1988)
Prophecy 2 - The Return of God's Army (1998)
Proposition, The (1998)
Prosecutor, The (1983)
Psalm 21 (2009)
Public Life of Sissy Pike: New Girl In T
Purgatory House (2004)
Purple State of Mind (2008)
Quo Vadis (1951)
Quo Vadis? (1985)
Radicals, The (1990)
Rapture, The (1991)
Reaping, The (2007)
Rebecca St. James: No Secrets (1999)
Red Tent, The (2014)
Reggie's Prayer (1996)
Religions of the World 1 - Jødedommen (1998)
Religions of the World 2 - Ortodoks og r
Religions of the World 3 - Protestantisk
Religions of the World 4 - Islam (1998)
Religulous (2008)
Requiem (2006)
Restless Ones, The (1965)
Resurrection (1999)
Resurrection (1999)
Rev, The (2002)
Revelation (1999)
Revelation (2001)
Revelation Road: The Beginning of the End (2013)
Ride, The (2012)
Ring the Bell (2013)
Ringenes Herre: Atter en konge (2003)
Ringenes Herre: Ringens Brorskap (2001)
Ringenes Herre: To TÃ¥rn (2002)
Rise of Jordan Peterson, The (2019)
Risen (2016)
Rite, The (2011)
Road to Emmaus (2010)
Road to Emmaus, PA, The (2008)
Rogue Saints (2011)
Rumors of War (2014)
Run (2017)
Run Baby Run (1998)
Rust (2010)
SÃ¥ som i himmelen (2004)
Saint Patrick: Apostle of Ireland (2012)
Saint Ralph (2004)
Saint Rita (2004)
Saints and Soldiers (2003)
Salvation Boulevard (2011)
Same Kind of Different as Me (2017)
Samson and Delilah (1949)
Samson and Gideon (1965)
Sarah's Choice (2009)
Sarah's Friend (2015)
Saras nøkkel (2010)
Saved! (2004)
Saving God (2008)
Saving Sarah Cain (2007)
Saving Winston (2011)
Scars That Heal (1993)
Schindlers liste (1993)
Scientific Evidence For Noah's Flood (2004)
Screen Door Jesus (2003)
Sebraens striper (2001)
Second Chance, The (2006)
Second Glance (1992)
Secret at Arrow Lake (2009)
Secrets in the Snow (2012)
Secrets of Jonathan Sperry, The (2009)
Secrets of the Code (2006)
Set Apart (2009)
Seven (1995)
Seven Deadly Words (2013)
Seventh Sign, The (1988)
Shack, The (2017)
Shadow of the Sword (2005)
Shadowlands (1993)
Shakers, The (1984)
Shooting Dogs (2005)
Shunning, The (2011)
Siblings: Bubble Trouble (2005)
Siblings: Heartstrings (2007)
Silence (2016)
Sin Eater, The (2003)
Siste kapittel - Omen III (1981)
Sister Act (1992)
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993)
Sisters of War (2010)
Six: The Mark Unleashed (2004)
Sixty Six (2006)
Sjakkdronningen fra Katwe (2016)
Skjulestedet (1975)
Skuddene i Knutby (2009)
Slakteren fra Lyon (2008)
Småen (1978)
Small Group (2018)
Smuggler's Ransom (2007)
Sofies Verden (1999)
Solomon and Sheba (1959)
Solomon Kane (2009)
Solstorm (2007)
Som støv fra himmelen (2009)
Son of Man (2006)
Song of Bernadette, The (1943)
Sophie Scholls siste dager (2005)
Soul Surfer (2011)
Sound of a Dirt Road, The (2009)
Sound of Music, The (1965)
Sound of the Spirit, The (2012)
Søndagsengler (1996)
Spellemann på taket (1971)
Spotlight (2015)
St. John in Exile (1986)
St. Patrick: Apostle of Ireland (2000)
St. Patrick: Pilgrimage to Peace (2020)
St. Patrick: The Irish Legend (2000)
St. Peter (2005)
Standing Firm (2010)
Star of Bethlehem, The (1956)
Statement, The (2003)
Stealing God (2005)
Step Over the Edge (1976)
Stephen's Test of Faith (1998)
Stigmata (1999)
Sting: Moment of Truth (2004)
Stjernen (2017)
Story of David, The (1976)
Story of Jacob and Joseph, The (1974)
Story of Ruth, The (1960)
Summertime Christmas (2010)
Sunday School (2008)
Sunday School Musical (2008)
Superchristian (1980)
Svart Narcissus (1947)
Sverdet (2004)
Takva - En manns frykt for Gud (2006)
Teenage Christmas (1960)
Tempelriddernes skatt (2006)
Tempelriddernes skatt 2: Stormesterens h
Tempelriddernes skatt 3: Mysteriet om sl
Ten Commandments, The (1923)
Ten, The (2007)
Tender Mercies (1983)
Texas Rein (2016)
The Physician (2013)
The Road (2009)
Theory Of Everything, The (2006)
There Will Be Blood (2007)
They Sold Their Souls For Rock N Roll (2004)
Third Miracle, The (1999)
Thirst (2009)
This is our time (2013)
Thorns (2015)
Though None Go With Me (2006)
Thr3e (2006)
Three Wise Boys (1963)
Tilgitt (1996)
Tilly (2002)
Time Changer (2002)
To End All Wars (2001)
To Save a Life (2009)
To Verdener (2008)
Too Saved (2007)
Torchlighters: The St. Patrick Story (2020)
Tortured for Christ (2018)
Touch, The (2005)
Tournament, The (2009)
Trade of Innocents (2012)
Transformasjon (1999)
Transformasjon II - Guds herlighet brer seg (2001)
Treasure Blind (2008)
Tree of Life, The (2011)
Trial of Joan of Arc, The (1962)
Trial, The (2010)
Tribulation (2000)
Trolljegeren (2010)
Tulsa (2020)
Two Popes, The (2019)
Tyrannosaur (2011)
Ufattelig kjærlighet (2022)
Ultimate Life, The (2013)
Unbroken (2014)
Unconditional (2012)
Undaunted (2011)
Under Arrest (1983)
Undeserved (2016)
Ungdomspresten (2007)
Unorthodox- Sesong 1 (2020)
Unplanned (2019)
Upproret (2019)
Urtidens drama: Abraham og Isak (1992)
Urtidens drama: David & Goliat (1995)
Urtidens drama: Josef i Egypt (1992)
Urtidens drama: Josef's gjenforening (1995)
VÃ¥r Frue (2015)
Veien til Betlehem (2006)
Veien til Montana (2001)
Vi er ingen engler (1989)
Vi har en pave (2011)
Vision (2009)
Visitation, The (2006)
W. (2008)
Wager, The (2007)
Wait Your Turn (2009)
Walk The Line (2005)
Walk, The (2004)
War Room (2015)
Warrior Nun - Sesong 1 (2020)
Waterproof (1999)
Way Back Home, The (2006)
Way of Peace, The (1947)
We're All in This Together (2010)
What if... (2010)
Whatever Works (2009)
Wheel of Knowing: A Story of Hope (2009)
When Calls The Heart (2013)
When Do We Eat? (2005)
Where the Red Fern Grows (1974)
Wherever You Are (2007)
Widow's Might, The (2009)
Wildflower (2016)
Will Faith Do Us Part? (2020)
Wise Kids, The (2011)
Witnesses of Jehovah (1986)
Woodlawn (2015)
Words by Heart (1985)
X-Files, The: I Want to Believe (2008)
Year One (2009)
Young Believers, The (2012)
Your Love Broke Through: The Keith Green
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